Eat Greens So You Can....WHAT?!?

A wise woman once told me and my girls, ‘Eat Greens, so you can S#!t Money!’ Though it was a few years before I kicked my sugar habit and applied this advice, I knew she was on to something. As the last few years have shown us, Health is indeed the true Wealth.

Urban farmer Siri Lorece Hirth with a harvest. (Creative Arts Farm) from LA Times. June 18, 2021

 Whether it’s leafy greens like kale, spinach, arugula, collards, chard, and watercress or others like broccoli and brussel sprouts, these nutritional powerhouses are loaded with necessary fiber (that’s where the sh!t comes in $$$$ lol). They’re also packed with vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and Vitamins A,C, and K[1]. You can have them raw, cooked, or juiced; depending on what your body needs or prefers. Spice them up right and serve them on the side (or the middle!) of your meal.

Left: OWN Network Facebook January 29, 2019 | Right: from Vogue India July 3, 2020


As I said, it took a few years before I really made healthy eating a lifestyle. Growing up on a SAD (Standard American Diet), the corner store was a ritual and I ate junk food multiple times a day. These days, I’m plant-based and rarely eat processed foods. When it comes to shifting eating habits, it’s mind over matter. With discipline and determination, our tastes can and will change. [2]

“eat greens so you can s#!T MONEY!”


Having this funny proverb in the back of my mind definitely helped the transition. As I reflect, I want to apply this attitude to other areas of my life that need more attention, like career and relationships. So I’m asking myself, ‘How can I be more direct, honest, and lighthearted about these things?


Green is the color of abundance and abundance comes in many forms. What we choose to put into our bodies most definitely impacts how we show up in the world. Let’s be at our best, brightest, and most nourished selves so we can handle ours.

Erykah Badu and her Mustard Greens. Erykah Badu Facebook, December 21, 2015.


Eat Yo Greens! <3


*I am not licensed in anything. This blog post is not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any ailments or health concerns*




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