Breastfeeding After a C-Section: Advice From a Doula Who’s Been There



On May 23, 2019, I was wheeled into the recovery room after my emergency cesarean birth to reunite with my beautiful chunky baby boy. It was different from when I first laid eyes on him as he was lifted over a blue curtain, underneath bright lights in a stark white room. As I now lay there looking at him, I thought to myself we made it, we survived. And guess what? He latched on to my breast almost immediately! All thoughts about what is next escaped my mind. The initial gaze as he found his way to where he was meant to be made nothing else matter. Breastfeeding was important to me and I never thought of feeding my baby any other way. After not being able to have a vaginal birth, I was hoping that this intimate opportunity wouldn’t be taken away from us as well. I immediately felt a sigh of relief as the nurse stood in awe. “At least I could get this part right,” I thought to myself.

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