Welcome to the journeying collective

Nobody, but nobody

Can make it out here alone - Maya Angelou

As a black woman living in a me, myself, and I society, I’ve fallen into the habit of trying to do it all myself. 

Yes, there are moments in our lives where it’s best to journey solo. Solitude is necessary sometimes. While I'm the type of person to relish in it, I know these words from Maya Angelou ring true. Nobody can make it out here alone. I’m grateful to have my co-cousin to partner up with to create this Collective. 

When life presents us with twists and turns, it makes a world of a difference to know someone out there has our back and can help us course correct. 

Even when we drift, we get right back. 

We are all navigating our own respective journeys, coming from varying backgrounds and experiences. How beautiful is it to witness someone make it through their bump in the road, knowing that you can do the same. So whether you’re on a solo leg or travelling with a crew; we created this space to create community as we navigate through this journey called life. 

Welcome to the Journeying Collective.


Move the Way Love Makes You Move