Spring Self-Care + Community Care REFRESH

‘New Broom Sweep Clean but Old Broom Noe Dem Cahna’

- Jamaican Proverb

Translation: ‘A new broom sweeps clean but an old broom knows the corners’ 

I saw this Jamaican proverb back in 2018 at the Junius St. train station in Brooklyn. This is a very random stop for me so maybe I was on the way to Canarsie to see family and they had buses running for the L line. Maybe that happened just so I could see this message.

My interpretation of the proverb is that both the new and the old serve a purpose. As I get older, I’m realizing that sometimes we need to let go of the way we’re doing things or being with people, rather than letting go of the thing or the person altogether. When Spring sprung last week, I found myself reflecting on how I could refresh my self-care toolbox. (Physical Spring Cleaning is postponed until April and that’s OK) This toolbox is tailored to me and ever evolving. Spring is the perfect season to freshen it up and be more intentional about it. Keep reading for tweaks I’m making and the tools I’m adding.


This is the old broom that knows my corners. From learning how to process and name feelings at 17 to gratitude journaling when I hit 30, it’s one of my most tried and true self-care practices. There are some old journals that I cringe reading and others that make me proud of my younger self. The cringey journals had me wondering whether I should stop journaling altogether. I realized I just needed to refresh how I approach the practice to ensure I’m keeping it a buck with myself. So I’m making the following changes:

  • Less frequent entries & deeper dives: Sometimes a situation needs space before I can process honestly. So rather than forcing myself to journal everyday, I’ll be journaling a few times a week. Holding myself accountable.

  • Being more curious and honest about my own feelings/patterns, etc: I’m realizing that my intuition is usually spot on. It’s when my ego has a plan and can’t let go that I’ve struggled. 

Note: I’m journaling in the Infinite Journal for daily reminders of my potential. You can buy yours on sale in our shop. I designed it!

Additional Tweaks to the Toolbox:

Immune boosting self-massage: Courtesy of @BrownRiceBandit, I added this ‘God’s Gua Shua’ facial massage to my daily oil cleansing routine 2-3x a week. A couple of weeks ago, I took the virtual womb care challenge by Pãnquetzani aka Indigemama. Via Zoom, she taught us her Abdominal Spiral, a gentle and effective massage with benefits to the womb, digestive, and nervous systems. I just added this to my rotation so I’ll let you know how it’s going and more on my ongoing womb healing journey later. Both techniques move lymph which boosts your immune system and require very little. It’s a season of simplicity for ya girl. 

Making quick and nourishing meals: Cooking healthy meals is another one of my favorite self-care practices. Courtesy of the construction project next door, my kitchen window is now permanently blocked. As a result, I’m favoring meals that are easier and quicker to cook. I’m using canned beans and veggies again and upping my intake of frozen and pre-cut foods. Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Gnocchi and Frozen Cassava for the win! While fresh is sometimes best, I bet you the above options will work as I envision and work towards a new space for myself. 

Taking more aligned action on my goals: Bigger dreams call for aligned actions at my own pace.

I’m still breathing, and still eating my greens with those quick meals <3 . My movement practice can use a lil refresh. I’ll keep ya posted on that.

WE BACK OUTSIDE: Warmer weather means I can enjoy nature a bit more. Even in the city, there are beautiful spaces like my fave Prospect Park. I’m also popping out to social functions with friends in introvert friendly doses. Which leads me to….

Community Care

At the same train station mentioned above, there was a Haitian proverb that read ‘Vwazinaj se Fanmi’ which means ‘Neighbors are Family’. That doesn’t give me a proverb vibe so I’ll share this one:

’Men anpil, Chay Pa Lou’ 

-Haitian Proverb

Translation: ‘Many Hands Lighten the Load’

As someone who defaults to doing things solo dolo, I’m working on being more intentional about community. That includes:

  • Expressing my needs better and more consistently so folks can show up for me. Paying attention to who those folks are. 

  • Being more authentic and sharing my writing practice a little more like I did here on IG.

  • Being more consistent with the Journeying Collective. The construction project has me asking myself, ‘How do you build a community from the ground up?’

  • Making new friends in the hood’ I’ve been in for the past year and some change.

&& Since we’re talking about spring, here’s a pic of some gorgeous Spring flowers from @oatcinnamon. Keeping a fresh bouquet is definitely self-care. 

Cover Photo by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash


Natural Living Part 2: Health & Beauty Products